O.O.G Reppin ( Original Oni Ganster Reppin) is a sticker project I have had in my mind since summer 2018. It is a 4 piece sticker project mixing my cultures together along with my NYC environment including it's cultures and the many personalities I've run into here.
kudos for you if you actually google the places spoken about in this blurb. Hope these stickers and info help you enjoy NYC culture with a nice twist..something that helps make your artist, me, flourish.
D'andre Duong is a goth metal head and inspired by the alternative scene here in NYC. He can be found within the streets of St. Marks around Astor place. Or for you New Yorkers, the village! The hub for all strange and alternative. You can actually catch this dude shopping at "Gothic Renaissance" or bar hopping at his fave dive bar the "Hard Swallow".
This oni is color coded Cambodian/ Jamaican. While seen to be an uncommon blend, Asian and Black culture is very deep rooted and flourishes within a mixing pot for centuries even before European interference. Though was seen more commonly from the 1800's till now. But many know otherwise. It is very common in Jamaica to see many asian cultures mix within us. They are one of the highest population mixes there and throughout other islands. An even more in many poc cultures you wouldn't expect. As for our blue devil friend here, his culture leans both southern Asian and Caribbean.
This Oni is inspired by the common blue devil found in japan and the many devil like creatures found in southern Asian culture during festivals. Put that together with his coding and you get a very eccentric combo in looks!
This Oni is inspired by the common blue devil found in japan and the many devil like creatures found in southern Asian culture during festivals. Put that together with his coding and you get a very eccentric combo in looks!
D'andre Duong or commonly known as Piranha due to his vibrant coloration and abnormal teeth for even most onis. Born and raised in Queens he can be found during the day working his usual 9 to 5 at a vintage mom and pops tea and bakery shop. He is a sweetheart to clients and knows his way around teas and other baked goods. His clients seem to love his lively upbeat attitude as well as asking about his many body mods.
During his night life he can be found in the village either at underground concerts, def poet jams, or at alternative parties hosted by "NYC Gotham". Don't let his imitating metal head look fool you. He's a softy who gets shy if you ask to read his poems.Venture to his job he'll sneak you some free cookies with your order of tea.
Learn more of NYCs mixing pot and some fun subculture tidbits
in lore and as well as NYC stomping ground fun.
Stay tuned for the next and last sticker of this set!