Some info on my main squeeze. Tis my bf's sona since he isn't a furry and had to make him something very fitting. He is more vampiric and a mimicker of forms. Something to correlate since we're are from the same goth/night life scene in nyc.
The lore for him is since my sona is more anthropomorphic, he took a form to make them more comfortable. His actual form can only be seen through one of his powers called "true face" where a vampire reveals their actual shape and body.
He has the head and upper body of a wolf, nose of something reptilian, serpent tail, a forked snake tongue, eyes of a goat, legs of a horse and hooves that are cloven, and the zebra patterns are a nice touch when in high grass and forest areas.. An he blinks like a gator so that's nifty, double lids FTW :B
When in feral form he doesn't howl, but hisses like a alligator. Which makes many who see him from afar weary of what they are actually seeing at first.
He needs blood to survive but once he is hooked on the blood of his lover... he is a bit unhinged. Lover's blood seems to make him very stable but also beyond vulnerable. Which he does not like being in such a position.
trying to match his irl self with an anthro sona was pretty hard for me but I managed...he's a giant compared to me (=_=; I don't even reach the mans mid ribs...forever tiny.. I know)... but he's my fave giant ;p I sure do have a knack for being snagged by irl monster boiz don't I ayyyyyooooo!